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Evergreen Elegance Bundle

Celebrate the season with the beautiful Evergreen Elegance Bundle. Which season? Any season! Add a burgeoning bough of pine, a sea of snow-capped trees, or a blanket of fresh snowfall to your classic Christmas creations. For warm weather projects, add a flourishing forest of pines, a summer night sky scattered with stars, or a little mountain lake. From festive phrases to nature-inspired images, the Evergreen Elegance Bundle has a little bit of everything for any occasion!

  • Sale-A-Bration has just launched to —today! You can earning  free product with $50 usd | $60 cad spent.  There’s no better time to buy the Evergreen Elegance Bundle! To learn more about Sale-A-Bration, click here.
  • It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Well, almost. It’s never too early to start preparing your Christmas projects, right? Along with the launch of Sale-A-Bration, today marks the release of the July–December 2021 Mini Catalog! The Evergreen Elegance Bundle coordinates with countless Christmas products from the stamp-tacular seasonal catalog. Our top picks? The Painted Christmas Suite (item 156274), the Whimsy & Wonder Suite (item 156276), and the Peaceful Place Suite (item 156277).