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Sale A Bration

The new Occasions catalog is now live and available for you to order!  AND it is Sale-a-Bration time

Wonder what Sale-a-Bration is all about??? It's all about FREE--free stamps, paper, kits, and dies! 


For every $50 USD/$60 CAD you spend, you will  receive a free Sale-A-Bration product. For anyone who has enjoyed Sale-A-Bration in the past, we have an exciting new announcement for this year: We now have a new reward level, giving you more flexibility and options for  free items.

Let’s break it down:

  • If you  spend $50 USD/$60 CAD, you get one free level 1 product.
  • If you spend $100 USD/$120 CAD, you get one free level 2 product, OR, you can choose two level 1 items.
  • If you spend $150 USD/$180 CAD, you  have the option to choose three level 1 items or one level 1 item and one level 2 item.

During this time of Sale-a-Bration (Jan 3 - Mar 31), there are even more rewards!


* Host Rewards are even bigger!  With a $250 order, you'll receive 10% in rewards PLUS an extra $25!  So your rewards are doubled!  Have a party (either in person or online), get your friends together to place a large order, or just order for yourself! 


*   The Starter Kit is bigger and better!  Purchase a starter kit for just $99 and you can choose $125 worth of products (your choice of what you want!) PLUS 2 additional stamp sets (value up to $101).  That raises the value of your starter kit to ~$250!  Stampin' Up! will also add a Paper Pumpkin kit, business supplies, and an exclusive 30th-anniversary pin available only to demonstrators.  You cannot add SAB items to your starter kit, BUT you can then place another order to get your SAB items and save 20% on that order plus every additional order!  Join just for the discount, to start a business you can do from home, to meet and make new friends, whatever you choose!  Have questions?  I'll be happy to answer any questions!  You can click on the "Starter Kit" tab above.  Yes, there are minimums to be met to remain a demonstrator ($300 retail per quarter --that's $240 with your discount if you are the only purchasing) but you will have until the end of June to meet those minimums.  And if you decide after that to leave, there are no further obligations.  You don't have to hold classes, hold events, or do anything that you don't want to!