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Sale- A-Bration Product of the Week


Sale-A-Bration Product of the Week

This week we’re bringing you prettiness across the board. From stunning and simple to full and fancy, the Beautiful Peacock Stamp Set does it all! With different options for the tail, you can create impressive layers that go seamlessly with the body stamp.

See the Set Now

Wonder what Sale-a-Bration is all about??? It's all about FREE--free stamps, paper, kits, and dies! 


For every $50 USD/$60 CAD you spend, you will  receive a free Sale-A-Bration product. For anyone who has enjoyed Sale-A-Bration in the past, we have an exciting new announcement for this year: We now have a new reward level, giving you more flexibility and options for  free items.

Let’s break it down:

  • If you  spend $50 USD/$60 CAD, you get one free level 1 product.
  • If you spend $100 USD/$120 CAD, you get one free level 2 product, OR, you can choose two level 1 items.
  • If you spend $150 USD/$180 CAD, you  have the option to choose three level 1 items or one level 1 item and one level 2 item.

Earn Free Sale A Bration with Paper Pumpkin



Sale-A-Bration is the perfect time to try a  Paper Pumpkin Prepaid subscriptions. Why? Sale-A-Bration is the one time during the year we offer FREE Stampin’ Up! products when you  purchase a Paper Pumpkin prepaid subscription. This is one promotion where  you can benefit. Rather you are: new, existing, loyal, and even canceled subscribers you can all earn rewards.


Here’s what you can earn when they buy a prepaid subscription:


3-Month Prepaid Subscription

1 Free Level 1 Sale-A-Bration Item

6-Month Prepaid Subscription (saves $1 per month)

2 Free Level 1 Sale-A-Bration Items or 1 Free Level 2 Sale-A-Bration Item

12-Month Prepaid Subscription (saves $2 per month)

4 Free Level 1 Sale-A-Bration Items or 2 Free Level 2 Sale-A-Bration Items (Plus host benefits!)

Don’t forget that subscribers get discounts with 6-and 12-month subscriptions.