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This week’s featured Sale-A-Bration item is the Mixed Medallions Card Kit. This gorgeous kit will make a fun class project—and if you want to get fancy, you can even step up the cards, as we have done here.


Wonder what Sale-a-Bration is all about??? It's all about FREE--free stamps, paper, kits, and dies! 


For every $50 USD/$60 CAD you spend, you will  receive a free Sale-A-Bration product. For anyone who has enjoyed Sale-A-Bration in the past, we have an exciting new announcement for this year: We now have a new reward level, giving you more flexibility and options for  free items.

Let’s break it down:

  • If you  spend $50 USD/$60 CAD, you get one free level 1 product.
  • If you spend $100 USD/$120 CAD, you get one free level 2 product, OR, you can choose two level 1 items.
  • If you spend $150 USD/$180 CAD, you  have the option to choose three level 1 items or one level 1 item and one level 2 item.

To take advantage of these great deals.  Click on Shop. 




Based on your outstanding project submissions, you’ve been selected as a display stamper for Milwaukee, WI.  This was the email notice that I received earlier this month.  I have now signed a confidentiality agreement so that means I am not able to talk about the projects that I will be making or show you any of the examples until after the event is over.  So watch for them  in April 2018.  If you would like to be able to attend these events join my Stampin up team,  We have a great group of ladies that would love to have you join in the fun.


Here is a photo of the projects that I submitted.