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Parts & Pieces: Handsomely Suited

Today we’re featuring masculine-themed projects made using the Handsomely Suited Stamp Set so you can make cards for amazing dads!

Speaking of masculine themes, have you ever wondered where bow ties came from? It all started long ago, during the Thirty Years War in the 17th century. Croatian mercenaries wore scarves to close their shirt fronts, and the French aristocracy spotted that dashing look on French soldiers coming home from the war. They adapted it and called the neckwear “cravats.” Over time, cravats evolved into what we know today as bow ties. Fun fact!

Our bow ties are made with pretty ink, and we’ve carefully stamped them close together to create our own Designer Series Paper. We’ve mixed and matched paper layers to create different looks, but the same size parts and pieces were used to make all three standard cards:

  • Basic White Cardstock: 1‑1/2" x 1‑1/2" (3.8 x 3.8 cm); 1‑1/2" x 5‑1/2" (3.8 x 14 cm)
  • Smoky Slate Cardstock: 1‑3/4" x 1‑3/4" (4.4 x 4.4 cm); 5‑1/2" x 4" (14 x 10.2 cm)
  • Handsomely Suited Designer Series Paper: 2" x 5‑1/2" (5.1 x 14 cm)

We chose the striped look for our cards, but there are many manly options in the Handsomely Suited Designer Series Paper. This paper collection boasts a little history of its own: It was inspired by the shirts and ties in our creative director’s closet and includes many rugged prints and patterns.

Have fun creating cards and showing love to your favorite dads. Whether they’re  sports nuts, or barbecue masters—they’ll surely love your thoughtfulness!

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